Stepmother, 48, marries her stepson, 45, making her child both his half- sister and his step-daughter

Not only did French woman Elizabeth
Lorentz, 48, marry her 45 year old step
son, Eric Holder, but her ex, who is Eric's
father even attended their wedding. Yes,
you read right. Lol. Kolo people!
According to French daily Republicain-, Elizabeth married Eric on
Saturday October 4th in the parish church
in the small village of Dabo in Alsace-
Lorraine, north-east France, after fighting
for months with French authorities for the
right to marry him.
According to reports, Elizabeth met Eric's
father in 1989, had a child with him in
1997, married him 2003 and divorced him
in 2006. All this while Eric was her
stepson. Now he's her husband...

About her separation in 2006, Elizabeth
told RL
"I was not expecting it, it was a
shock. I was an adult so I made do.

But our daughter who was nine-
years-old felt the separation very
badly. She cried every day. That's
when Eric was a great support for
us and our relationship evolved.'
Speaking about the situation, Eric, who
also has a daughter, said he did his best
to comfort his half-sister, who is now his
'When my father left my mother, I
felt abandoned. I knew how she
felt. So I had to be there for both of
Eric and Elizabeth soon began an affair
that was frowned upon by many. And
when they decided to marry, French law,
which prohibits all unions between step
children and step-parents - even former
ones, would not allow it.
The couple fought the law and finally
obtained a right to marry from a local
court and the day they married, Eric's
father, who now supports the relationship

"Eric's father, who is also my ex-
husband agrees perfectly our
history. Our girls too. They have
almost the same age and consider
themselves sisters. We never
differentiate between them. I simply
hope that our story will be useful to
other couples in our situation,
because I know there are some'
Elizabeth told the French


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