Photo | Essay | Poetry Competition on AwaNaija Blog has kick started her
photo and writing competition aimed
at promoting the good image of our
dear country and encourage a true
sense of patriotism among her

The competition comprises of a
writing challenge and a photo
challenge; both of which present
competitors with an opportunity to
win amazing prizes including a brand
new apple ipad Air, an Amazon
Kindle HD Tablet and loads of other

The competition allows you complete
creative freedom and we expect you
to use it. Weather you're a model
who’ll prefer to take a picture in
front of the facility or project you
are presenting or a photographer
who wants to do an editorial or
dramatic shot, it's all up to you as
long as your caption can tell the
story and sell the picture to the
millions of Nigerians that will see it.

We advice you to give this your best
shot as you'll be competing against
dozens of people who are also very

For the writing competition, we
expect you to submit your own work
as we take issues of plagiarism very
seriously. Get creative and don't
allow the stated title to restrict you,
instead let it inspire you.

To participate in the writing
competition; write an essay or a
poem titled, My Naija! My Pride! and
submit it in our submission page on
or before 31st of October 2014.
To participate in the photo
competition, take a picture of or
with any federal government project
that was executed under the current
administration from 2009 till date,
write a caption of not more than 200
words about the project and how it
has been or will be beneficiary to
Nigerians and upload both the
picture and caption to our
submission page.

Winners will be selected through
voting, as submissions with the
highest number of votes will be
announced winners and the
competitors will be presented with
their relevant prizes.

Voting will be done through social
media on the blog starting from
15th October 2014. All the approved
submission will be uploaded and
promotional instructions (optional)
sent to the competitors.

Remember; Its's our country and our
pride... It's AwaNaija. We all must
play our part if we want this country
to work.

For more information visit the host
blog; or get
connected to their social network
channels for regular updates.
Contact details:

BBM:            75d0ab60





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