Asari Dokubo stones BH sponsors, 'Chibok scammers' at Mecca wall; PHOTOS

Asari Dokubo, who is currently in Mecca
to observe the hajj, shared some pics on
his Facebook page of him stoning the
"devil's wall" in Mina, Saudi Arabia.

Below is what he wrote alongside the
"Stoning every satan in my
my well being my match
leading to the total liberation and
independence of my country from
the shackles and satanic grasp of
Nigeria....stoning and killing every
satanic manipulation,plots,plans
and incantations
Oh Allah every Satan had been they the hegemonic
born to rule satans who strive to
dispossess every body else of their
freedom, liberty,possession and
we'll being....Every Boko Haram
whether hidden or known....every
fabricator of the Chibok
scam....every lying Steve Davis. Oh
Allah let this Jamaarat be a blessing
in the totality of my life. Ameen.


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