A chef chops and boils girlfriend on stove

Chef Marcus Volke chopped up and
cooked his girlfriend just before
taking his own life in a terrifying

Police were called to Volke's
Brisbane apartment after neighbors
reported an eye-watering smell
reminiscent of rotting meat.

“On Saturday when I came out for a
walk, it made your eyes water, it
made you want to be sick," Courtney
Reichart, a resident of the
apartment building, said. "The
smell, it was like as if somebody had
put out some dog food or red meat
and left it out for a few days.”

When officers arrived to the
upmarket apartment complex near
the wealthy suburb of Teneriffe, in
Queensland, Australia, they were
shocked to find Volke’s girlfriend,
Mayang Prasetyo, chopped into
pieces inside a pot on the stove.

Other parts of Prasetyo were found
outside the apartment in bins.

According to police, Volke flew
through a glass door and jumped
over a balcony into an alleyway when
authorities arrived. He slit his throat
in the alley, where his body was
later found.

Neighbors reported that they heard
the couple fighting earlier in the
week, though Volke’s mother noted
that her son seemed happy and that
he had plans to return home for

Friends of Prasetyo’s have since
taken to social media to honor her.

“The world will not be the same
without you,” Brett Sparks, one
friend, wrote. “Nobody that met you
could ever forget you. This really
doesn’t seem real.”

The two had recently returned to
Australia after several years of
working on international cruise ships
as chefs together.

Sources: Mirror , Sky News


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