But Really, Who is a Successful Woman?#TheWAwards

Who is a successful woman? While we have our own individual definitions of what success is or is not, society tries to push at us what success is, especially when it pertains to the feminine gender. For example, in several places in Africa, it is not uncommon to say that a woman that has achieved a lot in her business and career and winds up being unmarried at 50, is an unsuccessful woman. 


Is this the truth? Well, success is a relative variable and can only be measured with the goal-setter's scales.
Here's what the first Female Helicopter Captain in Nigeria, a doctor that tends open-heart surgery patients, and other spectacular women think.

When you're done, look around you again, you will find numerous women who qualify as successful. Whoever and wherever she is, as long as she is inspiring a lot of people, she deserves to be recognized and celebrated. And you can make that happen by nominating her for a W Award. All you need to do is go to www.thewawards.com, pick a category, nominate her, then ask your family members, neighbors, friends and enemies to nominate her too. 

It's not just to say she is your WCW, The W initiative powered by Access Bank is asking you to put your words into action! Nominate that woman who inspires you.

See more videos about the W Awards, follow @MyAccessBank on Instagram and Twitter


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